Over the last year our parishioners have made and donated over 100,000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to Saint John's Hospice to feed the homeless in center city Philadelphia. The need remains great - so please continue to help.
You may drop off PB&J sandwiches - individually bagged and packaged together -- at the Parish Center, on Mondays from 2:00 to 3:00 PM. If you are unable to deliver during this time, please place them in freezer on back porch of the rectory.
In addition, the THIRD Monday of every month, St John's WILL BE collecting casseroles from our freezer. Please consideer making a casserole for all their residents and day services guests totaling excess of 375 men each day!
CLICK HERE for casserole recipes!
You can also donate monetarily to Saint John's Hospice by clicking HERE.